《抖音》You and I 歌曲完整版在线试听入口

时间:2023-09-21 05:27:52 来源:摸鱼游戏 编辑: 浏览:

其实只要我们心里有光,就不再害怕黑暗了,美好的爱情总在等待着你。虽然分手是一件难受的事情,但是我们要从分手中走出来,然后期待下一份爱情。那么抖音热歌You and I 歌词是什么呢?下面摸鱼游戏给大家详细介绍下,还不清楚的小伙伴们快来看看吧!


《抖音》You and I 歌曲完整版在线试听入口

《抖音》You and I 歌曲完整版在线试听入口



《抖音》You and I 歌曲完整版在线试听入口


You and I - Will Armex/Katy M

Ta-da ta ta ta ta ta ta-da

Ta-da ta ta ta ta ta ta

Ta-da ta ta ta ta ta ta-da

Ta-da ta ta ta ta ta ta

Why do you cry

Why do you cry

You know that love is still alive

Why do you cry

Still alive

Still alive

We fell in love you

You and I I

We fell in love you

You and I I

Ta-da ta ta ta ta ta ta-da

Ta-da ta ta ta ta ta ta

Ta-da ta ta ta ta ta ta-da

Ta-da ta ta ta ta ta ta

Why do you cry

Why do you cry

You know that love is still alive

Why do you cry

Still alive

Still alive

We fell in love you

You and I I

We fell in love you

You and I I

Ta-da ta ta ta ta ta ta-da

Ta-da ta ta ta ta ta ta

Ta-da ta ta ta ta ta ta-da

Ta-da ta ta ta ta ta ta

Ha-ya ya ya ya

Ha-ya ya ya ya

Ta-da ta ta ta ta ta ta-da

Ta-da ta ta ta ta ta ta




3、一生最为致命弱点就是 你

4、你要离开我吗? 别走好吗 跑起来 哒哒 ,哒哒哒哒哒哒哒,哒哒哒哒哒哒哒

5、有一天你也会静下来 像个局外人一样看着曾经做过的事 笑着摇头 有些冲动 也有些遗憾

以上就是摸鱼游戏给大家带来的关于《抖音》You and I 歌曲完整版在线试听入口的全部内容,更多精彩内容请关注本站,摸鱼游戏将持续更新更多相关攻略。


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